Software update: Drupal 8.8.2

Drupal Hosting bij Dream Hosting

Versie 8.8.2 van Drupal is uitgebracht. Drupal is contentmanagementsysteem, geschreven in PHP, waarmee onder andere websites kunnen worden gemaakt. Versie 8.8 is de laatste versie waar nog (grote) veranderingen in worden aangebracht. Begin juni zullen versie 9.0 en versie 8.9 uitkomen. Die laatste is een versie waar voor lange termijn ondersteuning zal worden gegeven.

De release notes voor deze uitgave ziet er als volgt uit:

Release notes

This is a patch release of Drupal 8 and is ready for use on production sites. Learn more about Drupal 8.

Important update information

If you are upgrading to this release from 8.7.x or earlier, read the Drupal 8.8.0 release notesbefore upgrading to this release.

  • ConfigEntityUpdater now enforces that it is only used for one update function at a time via an exception, whereas this behaviour was previously silently broken. Read the change record on ConfigEntityUpdater for more information.
  • This is the first release of Drupal 8 core to use a new packaging pipeline that automates the Composer build process (composer create-project) to create release packages.The packaged tar and zip files that were available from 2020-02-01 20:20 UTC until 2020-02-02 00:15 UTC were erroneously published with Drupal 8.8.1 packaged inside. If you downloaded a tarball during that window, you should re-download it and upgrade again using the new tarball.

Drupal 8.8.x will receive security coverage until December 2rd, 2020.

Important bug fixes

Drupal werkt op alle Linux hosting pakketten met database ondersteuning.

Wij helpen u graag bij het upgraden van uw Drupal installatie.